Makin’ 2D Excavator

Makin’ 2D Machine Control System

Product Benefits

• Full 2D support
• Save material and time
• Safety, no manual grade checking
• Flexible machine configuration
• Tilt, rotation and multi boom support
• Intuitive unique visualization of your
construction project
• Dual inclination slopes
• Continuously flow of data about the
slopes, elevation and orientation

Upgradable to full excavator 3D

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Working with the right set of tools can make just about any job easier, safer, and more cost-effective. Nasco Digtec carries a wide range of tilt rotator attachments from industry leader engcon.

Working with the right set of tools can make just about any job easier, safer, and more cost-effective. Nasco Digtec carries a wide range of tilt rotator attachments from industry leader engcon.